Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Rose

acrylic on canvas board

I learned how to paint flowers because I was trying to impress a girl. We saw some at a gallery and she asked if I do such thing. Of course my answer was yes, even though I didn't have clue. The girl didn't last but my love of flowers endures.

1 comment:

  1. I've been a subscriber to your channel lately, and I love enjoying your creations and tutorials, especially this one! and I'd like to give you couple of questions.
    1. I'd like to ask for permission to have your link on my website
    2. can you please make a tutorial video of a close up face including the mixtures of colors for the face and flesh (esp. for caucasian race) step by step for beginners?
    cause I've seen the tutorial of skin tone from your channel, but it was kinda too hard for me cause I'm a beginner on painting, but I'm good at sketching (you could take a look at my blog if necessary :))
    thank you, I'm looking forward to seeing for your replies and tutorials. cause this is holiday so I'm intended to improve my drawing ability. thank you & keep up the good work!
